Tuesday, April 10, 2007

George Lucas: #5 Immaculate Reality


During this period (1989-1997) George Lucas produced many episode for a TV show called "The Young Indiana". It's about the past of the character Indiana Jones.

He also created the "George Lucas Educational Foundation". But one of the craziest thing a realized while I was reading this chapter, is that George Lucas actually created "Pixar" and sold it to Steve Jobs, the big boss of Apple. "Pixar" created a few very good animation films: "Toy Story 1+2", "A Bug's Life" and the very very good "Finding Nemo" in 2003.

His company ILM also worked on many famous projects during this period. "Terminator 2" and of course, the unbelievable "Jurassic Park" trilogy. With the creation of the dinosaurs, George Lucas realized that he could seriously think about the previous episodes of the existing Starwars trilogy.

After he received the Irving G. Thalberg Award from Steven Spielberg, George Lucas went back to work and made a new version of Starwars episode 4, 5 and 6 with new visual effects made by Industrial Light and Magic. The success was again, incredible. So he got back to his 20 year old notes and start writing "Starwars: The Beginning".

See you next time.



Durant la periode de 1989 a 1997 George Lucas produit plusieurs episodes pour la television: "The Young Indiana". C'est au sujet des jeunes annees d'Indiana Jones.

Il a egalement cree la "George Lucas Educational Foundation". Mais une des choses les plus incroyables que j'ai lue dans ce chapitre est que c'est en fait George Lucas qui a cree la societe "Pixar" et qui l'a vendu par la suite a Steve Jobs, le patron de Apple. "Pixar" cree quelques tres bons films d'animation: "Toy Story 1+2", "A Bug's Life" et l'excellent "Finding Nemo" in 2003.

Sa societe ILM a egalement travaille sur plusieurs gros projets durant cette periode. Il y a eu "Terminator 2" et bien sur l'incroyable trilogie "Jurassic Park". Avec la creation de ces dinosaures, George Lucas realisa qu'il pouvait penser serieusement aux episodes precedents la premiere trilogy Starwars.

Apres avoir recu le Irving G. Thalberg Award des mains de Steven Spielberg, George Lucas est reparti au travail et fit une nouvelle version des Episode 4, 5 et 6 de Starwars avec des nouveaux effets speciaux cree par Industrial Light and Magic. Le succes est a nouveau au rendez-vous. Il replonge donc dans ses notes prises 20 ans plus tot et commence l'ecriture de "Starwars: The Beginning".

A la prochaine fois.


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